Tatsuya will release “Starry Messenger (Suchness 3),” a new sequel of his “Kankyo-Ongaku” (ambient music) series under the name of OE. “Suchness” albums will take you to a “zen garden of sound,” floating into the time and space consisting of “ma (a silence and void)” and sequences of panoramic sounds. This release, “Starry Messenger,” collects calm and reflective music pieces with cosmic and nocturnal atmosphere.
1. Aurora Lights
2. Starry Messenger
3. The Great River
4. Bonfire and the Moon
5. Dawn Prayer
6. Evening Thoughts
7. Nocturnal Hope
Artist Name: OE
Album Title: “Starry Messenger (Suchness 3)”
Release Date: February 2nd (Fri), 2024
Format: Digital (No physical release)
Cat No: MEOE-1025
UPC Code: 198026900326
Label: Model Electronic Records
All tracks composed and produced by Tatsuya Oe (NexTone/JASRAC)
Art Direction: Passion Yoko